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+39 075 5004900 SANTUCCI & PARTNERS - Skills for value growth

Management consulting

Planning & Control

The consultancy activity aims to provide management with the basic tools to achieve the correct planning of business development and control of the key business variables necessary to monitor not only short-term results, but also and above all, the correct positioning of the company in the medium and long term.

Elaborazione Business Plan: S&P consultants support the company in the preparation of a document divided into an analytical part describing the business, which places great emphasis on the analysis of the competitive scenario and on the company’s values, followed by a part dedicated to number processing. The projections, generally established for a period of four to five years, consist of projected income statements, balance sheets and cash flow charts. The business and financial plans are addressed to companies willing to launch a new initiative, to entrepreneurs looking for a new start-up, and also to public administration departments aiming to analyse the medium to long-term prospects of previously internalised economic management;
Construction of Management Control Systems: involves the development of a system to control the dynamics of characteristic and financial management. The systems developed by the S&P consultants propose a review of the flow of company information data with the aim of providing the entrepreneur and managers with a tool for making strategic and operational decisions;
Analysis and Hedging of Financial Risks: the consultancy activity aims to provide managers with an overview of the possible financial risks that the company could face in terms of its financial structure, interest rate and exchange rate fluctuations. As a result of the analysis, the most appropriate contractual tools for hedging risks using derivative contracts (swaps, options, futures) can be identified;

Extraordinary Operations

During the existence of a company, there are phases in which operations of an exceptional nature are required that affect the structure of the corporate structure, the financial structure of the company and the definition of the organisational and corporate setup (Governance).

In this context, the role of the consultant is often unavoidable both for the necessary contribution on the professional front (expert opinions, drafting of merger and demerger projects) and on that of information to third parties involved (banks, other shareholders, institutions), which requires a communication activity in which the advisor must play the role of an independent and authoritative third party.

Identification of Financial Partners for the Support of Corporate Development Projects: in this activity, S&P’s consultants made use of their experience in planning activities, supporting managers in the development of business plans to be submitted to lenders in the form of debt or equity capital. From this perspective, the company will benefit not only from the specialised expertise, but also from the system of relationships built up with the banking and financial system over 25 years of collaboration. The cooperation with Borsa Italiana, with whom S&P’s consultants worked as advisors, first on the MAC and then on the Elite project, is significant;
Support in Business Combination and Aggregation Operations: increasingly, business development appears to be conditioned by the ability to activate synergies and integration with other businesses. In this context, the role of the external consultant takes on a very special significance, providing essential support in the analysis of the market scenario, in the selection of possible partners (in the case of acquisitions or mergers in the identification of target companies). In addition, the role of the business consultant, equipped with the necessary professional tools, becomes essential in the phase of negotiation and identification of the optimal combination modalities. There were several projects in which S&P consultants played an advisory support role. The experience gained in the specific sector of cooperative enterprises, characterised by peculiar regulatory and strategic constraints, is relevant;
Support in the Corporate Reorganisation of Corporate Groups (mergers and demergers): the advisory activity is aimed at revising the corporate structure of business groups. he approach suggested by S&P gives preeminence to organisational and business variables, taking fiscal aspects as constraints and opportunities to be reinterpreted based on the chosen strategic options. Basically, it is a matter of reinterpreting the group’s corporate structure from a strategic perspective on the basis of statutory and tax opportunities;
Company Assessments: S&P’s consultants proceed to determine the ECONOMIC VALUE of the client company by applying the valuation methodologies accepted by financial market practice and doctrine. In all cases, in deference to the business and management training of S&P’s consultants, valuations are conducted integrating the company’s historical data with considerations regarding the company’s competitive positioning and its real prospects for growth and income.

Financial Restructuring

The consultancy service aims to support the management and the entrepreneur in radical restructuring operations in which a drastic improvement in the company’s economic results and, at the same time, a radical overhaul of the company’s capital and financial structure must be achieved within a short timeframe.

These are projects for the radical transformation of the company and its business that may lead to the reorganisation of the organisational, corporate and strategic structure through the closure and merging of companies and the sale or amalgamation of unprofitable business areas.

These operations, if well planned and directed, can allow the creation of important economic values.

S&P’s consultants, as advisors and contracted professionals, have coordinated and directed the restructuring of a number of important industry groups in the Umbria region.

Project Financing

Over the last few years, we have witnessed, also in our country, the spread of the Project Financing tool introduced in the public works procurement system of Legislative Decree 163/2006 as amended.

These are operations in which the private enterprise (the Proponent) proposes itself to the Public Administration as the entity capable of designing, financing and implementing a Public Work.

The consideration for the Promoter, who may also become a Concessionaire at the end of the Tender procedure, consists of the right to manage the Work for a predetermined period. S&P’s consultants have acquired an outstanding experience and an enviable score in project finance transactions, having participated in the elaboration of Economic and Financial Plans subject to asseveration for a substantial number of Public Works such as: car parks, cemeteries, integrated commercial facilities, mobility systems, public administration offices, sports halls, etc.

The services of S&P’s consultants also include supporting the Proponent throughout the negotiation phase with the Public Administration and advising the project in order to obtain financing from Banks.

S&P also supports the company in the preparation of the Draft Agreement, which is an essential document for the submission of the Offer.

Other professionals with specific expertise in the area of procurement law are involved in the project team on a case-by-case basis.

Capital Search

Thanks to their experience in planning and control, Santucci & Partners’ consultants support management in the preparation of business plans that are essential for raising both debt and equity capital.

In this perspective, Santucci & Partners provides companies with specialised expertise and a system of relationships built up with the banking and financial system over 25 years of collaboration.

Since July 2010, the company has been on the list of advisors of Borsa Italiana and has opened a permanent office in London with the aim of promoting listing paths and facilitating the identification of Private Equity operators interested in investing in the Italian entrepreneurial system.

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