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+39 075 5004900 SANTUCCI & PARTNERS - Skills for value growth

Planning, Extraordinary Operations and Corporate Finance

Planned investments and restructured financial debs
Clients served
Professionals at your service

Angelantoni Industrie S.p.A.

Industrial plan aimed at corporate reorganisation

Angorbrizi S.p.A.

Implementation of the restructuring plan

Coifer Impex

Review of the corporate control system and support for strategic planning

Gruppo Coop. Agricole di Trevi

Economic planning and project advisory activities


Business Development Plan

Margaritelli S.p.A.

Development of an Industrial Plan aimed at industrial and corporate reorganisation

MELA S.r.l.

Planning and management control activities

Molini Popolari Riuniti S.p.A.

Assistance in the implementation of the business and financial plan and advisory activities

Opere Pie Riunite

Business Plan

Pe.Sa. Gomme S.p.A.

Processing and assistance to company management

Province of Perugia

Evaluation of the structure of the costs

Saci Industrie S.p.A.

Processing of Business Plan

Spoletoducale Casale Triocco Sca

Development of the business plan and support in the implementation of financial and operational restructuring

Società Edile Appalti S.p.A.

Consultancy support for the industrial and corporate integration operation

Serr.All. S.r.l.

Preparation of the business plan

So.Ge.Si. S.p.A.

Consultancy support for the reorganisation and implementation of the development plan

Trafomec S.p.A.

Assistance to corporate management for business restructuring

Unione dei Comuni “Terre dell’Olio e del Sagrantino”

Planning and implementation of the Municipal Police Force

Umbria TPL e Mobilità

Management support Management support in the development of the corporate restructuring plan

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